The best pilot |
Bogdan Baziuk, scores total: 11002
Has 917 victories, including victories by categories: distance: 167, alt. gain: 120, speed: 180, free flight (OLC): 189, free triangle (OLC): 134, FAI triangle (OLC): 127 |
The purpose of the project.
The site offers recording of pilots’ flights, processing of tracks in various formats (IGC, GPX, NMEA), calculation of flight parameters, graphic representation of tracks on Google Map and many other options.
If pilots do not have GPS receivers, they can generate tracks using specialized option which allows entering parameters of flight. It will be of great use for other pilots to demonstrate them new places for flights, as the track is generated in accordance with the Earth surface.
System features
All tracks, except for generated ones, may compete in 4 categories (day, week, month, year) on 6 key parameters:
- Distance
- Altitude
- Speed
- Free flight (OLC)
- Triangle (OLC)
- FAI triangle (OLC)
The pilot correspondingly gets 1, 7, 30 or 365 scores for the victory in day, week, month or year category. The score determines pilot’s status. This status is displayed in the bottom left corner of the avatar. |
Status/scores correlation |
Status |
Bronze |
Silver |
Gold |
Scores |
Icon |
Scores |
Icon |
Scores |
Icon |
Tape |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Windsock |
4 |
5 |
9 |
Helmet |
13 |
19 |
28 |
Paraglider |
41 |
59 |
86 |
Medal |
124 |
180 |
261 |
Cup |
378 |
548 |
795 |
Crown |
1151 |
1668 |
2418 |
If the pilot took first places in various categories, from one to four stars will be displayed next to the status image, representing victories in various categories (day, week, month, year). The figure inside each star shows number of parameters in which the pilot won first places. For example, if tracks of the pilot won 5 first places on distance and 2 first places on altitude for some period of time in the category of “Day”, it means that the pilot won first places on two parameters (distance and altitude) and inside of the stars number ‘2’ will be displayed.
Any uploaded tracks (excluding generated ones) take part in their appropriate categories (day, week, month, year) into which they get, giving 2 additional days for uploading. Note that if the gap between the date of flight and date of uploading exceeds category period, the track competes only in the next time category. For example, date of track uploading is 11.03.09, and the date of flight was 15.01.09. The difference between dates is more than 1 month. So, this track may compete only in the category of “Year”.
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